A Convulsive Syndrome in Young Rats Associated with Pyridoxine Deficiency

A description is given of a convulsive syndrome which occurred in young rats during the suckling stage when being nursed by mothers on a diet considered to be satisfactory from the standpoint of growth and reproduction. This syndrome was cured or prevented by administration of crystalline pyridoxine and, by the use of suitable diets, was demonstrated to be a specific result of pyridoxine deficiency. Rapid depletion of pyridoxine reserves was obtained in suckling young given to deficient mothers and lactating females transferred from a stock diet to one deficient in pyridoxine. No injury was observed in females maintained on pyridoxine-restricted diets through the period of pregnancy and lactation. Under such conditions lactation was not impaired although the pyridoxine content of the milk was reduced to such extent that the convulsive syndrome developed in the young.