Report on bird ringing in Britain and Ireland for 1993

This is the 57th annual report of the British Trust for Ornithology's Ringing Scheme. The number of birds ringed in 1993 (854,598) was the third highest annual total ‐ only exceeded in 1988 and 1989. This total was nine percent higher than in 1992. Recovery totals (12,643) were rather low, probably as a result of the mild weather conditions through the year. This report concentrates on the data received during 1993, a summary for 1909–1991 was presented in Mead & Clark (1993) which was updated for 1992 in Mead et al. (1993). One hundred and twenty Constant Effort Sites were operated in 1993 and catches of adults and young birds were relatively high. Staff research effort during the year was concentrated on estimating long‐term survival rates of Lapwings and on the effect of hunting on Snipe and Woodcock in Europe.