IgG subclasses, barrier function for albumin and production of immunoglobulin G in the central nervous system

Cerebrospinal fluids from patients with neurological diseases have been studied. It appeared that the detectability of immunoglobulin G subclasses 1, 2, 3, 4, and the occurrence of oligoclonal bands in the IgG region increased with increasing concentration of IgG in the spinal fluid. No specific pattern emerged in the different disease groups. The reference intervals were determined for: Sp-Albumin(66,000): 0.08-4.4 μmol/1; Sp-IgG(160,000): 0.06-0.26 μmo1/1; S-Albumin/Sp-Albumin: 120-413, andSp-IgG × S-Albumin/S-IgG × Sp-Albumin: 0.36-0.76. In multiple sclerosis S-Albumin/S-IgG × Sp-Albumin was within the reference interval, while Sp-IgG × S-Albumin/S-IgG × Sp-Albumin was increased.