Observation of a Quadrupole Interaction for Cubic Imperfections Exhibiting a Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect

Observations of weak ΔMI=±1 EPR transitions in several systems have established the existence of a quadrupole interaction for the Eg2 ground vibronic state of cubic imperfections which exhibit a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect. The operator representing the quadrupole interaction, 12qQ{[3Iz2I(I+1)]Eθ+3(Ix2Iy2)E}, occurs as a natural consequence of the vibronic degeneracy. This operator, combined with an effective Hamiltonian representing the strain, Zeeman, and hyperfine interactions for an isolated Eg2 state, describes within experimental error the positions and intensities of the "forbidden" ΔMI=±1 EPR transitions observed for SrCl2: La2+, SrCl2: Sc2+, CaF2: Sc2+, SrF2: Sc2+, and BaF2: Sc2+. The signs and magnitudes of the quadrupole-coupling coefficients (qQ) measured for each system are consistent with predictions of crystal field theory modified to account for a weak to moderate vibronic interaction.