The pH Requirements of Some Heterofermentative Species of Lactobacillus

Some of the heterofermentative species of Lactobacillus require a pH in the range of 5 to 6 for best growth and metabolism of C compounds. This fact may be of little taxonomic importance so far as the vigorously growing spp. are concerned, but it should be given consideration when carrying out studies on those cultures more exacting in their requirements for growth and metabolism. When the gas-forming lactobacilli are grown in unbuffered media containing carbohydrates which are readily attacked, the adverse effect of a neutral reaction is quickly obscured, but with C sources less readily decomposed or whose decomposition is not accompanied by acid production causing a fall in pH, the pH of the medium may be the limiting factor in determining whether they are decomposed. Under such conditions the determination of optimum pH is quite as important as the detn. of opt. temp. range.