The histone mRNA 3′ end is required for localization of histone mRNA to polyribosomes

The final step in mRNA biosynthesis is transport of the mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Histone genes from which the 3' stem-loop has been deleted are transcribed to give RNAs with heterogeneous 3' ends. These RNAs are localized in the nucleus and are stable. Addition of the histone 3' processing signal either on short (< 250 nts) or long (> 1000 nts) transcripts restores 3' processing and transport of the mRNA to the cytoplasm. In addition chimeric histone-U1 snRNA genes which produced RNAs with either histone or U1 3' ends were analyzed. Transcripts which ended with U1 snRNA 3' ends were not efficiently localized to polyribosomes. However, transcripts containing the same sequences including the snRNA 3' end followed by the histone 3' end were present in the cytoplasm on polyribosomes. Taken together these results suggest that the histone 3' end is required for export of histone mRNA to the cytoplasm and association of the mRNA with polyribosomes.