Catalase activity and isozyme pattern of the metalloenzyme system, superoxide dismutase, as a function of leaf development during growth of Pisum sativum L. plants

The catalase activity and the isozyme pattern of the metalloenzyme system superoxide dismutase (SOD) have been determined in pea (Pisum sativum L., cv, Lincoln) leaves of different ages (apical, middle and lower), during several stages of plant development. Pea seedlings were grown in full nutrient solution in a phytotron. Catalase activity was determined polarographically, and superoxide dismutase isozymes (Mn‐SOD, Cu, Zn‐SOD I and Cu, Zn‐SOD II) were separated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and their relative amounts quantified by densitonietry. The results indicate that the relative amounts of SOD isozymes are slightly different in leaves of different ages during plant growth and, interestingly, each molecular form of SOD shows a clearly distinct pattern during plant development. These changes in the relative percentages of SOD isozymes could be due to the induction of the distinct molecular forms of SOD by the metals Mn, Cu and Zn, translocated to the different leaves as a result of plant development. The relative percentage of the Mn‐SOD isozyme showed a similar pattern to that of catalase activity, suggesting a possible link between these two metalloenzymes at subcellular level, both cooperating to remove the toxic effects of O2 and H2O2.An additional conclusion is that before a certain metalloenzyme can be used as a marker to assess the plant micronutrient status, it is essential to have a detalled study of its activity pattern in leaves of different age during plant development.