Radiative decay of triply excited 2p2np4,2S° states to the 1s2pmp4,2Pstates in lithiumlike ions

The Rayleigh-Ritz variational method is used with a multiconfiguration-interaction function to obtain the nonrelativistic energies and wave functions of the triply excited 2p2np 4S° (n=2,3,4) and 2p23p 2S° states and also the doubly excited 1s2pmp 4P (m=2,3,4), 1s2p2 2P, [(1s2p)3P,3p]2P, and [(1s2p)1P,3p]2P states for atomic systems with nuclear charges from Z=3 to 10. The relativistic and mass polarization corrections are evaluated via first-order perturbation theory, and the resulting relativistically corrected energies are used to compute transition wavelengths for 2p2np 4,2S°→1s2pmp 4,2P. The fine structure of the 1s2pnp 4,2P states is also calculated with first-order perturbation theory. The nonrelativistic wave functions are used to compute the electric-dipole transition probabilities for 2p2np 4,2S°→1s2pmp 4,2P; this information is then used to compute the lifetimes for the 2p2np 4,2S° states and the branching ratios for the transitions to the 1s2pmp 4,2P levels. Intermediate-coupling effects for the 2p3 4S°,2D°,2P° and the 1s2p2 4P,2D,2P,2S states are investigated for the case of Z=10 and are shown to be small. Comparisons with experimental wavelength and lifetime measurements are made.