Using an LSJ coupling scheme and a configuration-interaction wave function, the relativistic energies, fine structures, and transition wavelengths of the 1s2p2pP4 and 1s2s2pP4 states are studied. The relativistic correction, Breit-Pauli operator, and mass-polarization correction are calculated for ions from Li I through F VII and for Mg X. Excellent agreement with experimental data is obtained in most cases. For example, the calculated transition wavelengths of Be II, B III, and C IV are 2324.96, 1701.77, and 1344.22 Å, respectively. It is to be compared with the corresponding experimental data of 2324.6, 1701.4, and 1344.2 Å. However, a few questions are raised concerning some part of the experimental data. For the fine structure of Mg X, a 5% error appears in the present calculation. The validity and limitation of the present method is also discussed.