Deadtime correction for two multihead Anger cameras in dual‐energy‐window‐acquisition mode

Two side-by-side energy windows, one at the photopeak and one at lower energy, are sometimes employed in quantitative SPECT studies. We measured the count-rate losses at moderately high activities of 131 I for two multihead Anger cameras in such a dual-window-acquisition mode by imaging a decaying source composed of two hot spheres within a warm cylinder successively over a total of 23 days. The window locations were kept fixed and the paralyzable model was assumed. In addition, for the Picker Prism 3000 XP camera, the source was viewed from three different angles separated by 120° and the final results are from an average over these three angles. For the Picker camera, the fits to the data from the individual windows are good (the mean of the squared correlation coefficient equals 0.98) while for the Siemens Multispect camera fits to the data from head 1 and from the lower-energy, monitor window are relatively poor. Therefore, with the Siemens camera the data from the two windows are combined for deadtime computation. Repeated autopeaking might improve the fits. At the maximum count rate, corresponding to a total activity of 740 MBq (20 mCi) in the phantom, the multiplicative deadtime correction factor is considerably larger for the Picker than for the Siemens camera. For the Picker camera, it is 1.11, 1.12, and 1.12 for heads 1–3 with the photopeak window and 1.10 for all heads with the lower-energy monitor window. For the Siemens camera, the combined-window deadtime correction factor is 1.02 for head 1 and 1.03 for head 2. Differences between the deadtime correction factor for focal activity and for the total activity do not support the hypothesis of count misplacement between foci of activity at these count rates. Therefore, the total-image dead time correction is recommended for any and all parts of the image.