The ranges of 0.07-1.0-MeV gallium atoms in copper and zinc have been measured by means of thicktarget recoil experiments. Monoenergetic gallium recoils were generated by the Zn64(p, γ), Zn64(d, γ), and Cu63(α, γ) reactions. The results can be expressed by an empirical range-energy relation of the form R(μg/cm2)=0.193 E(keV) for E1.0 MeV. The results of the present experiment and of other studies in this mass range are compared with the theoretical range-energy relation of Lindhard, Scharff, and Schiott, and very good agreement is found for values of the reduced energy ranging from 0.4 to 5.0. The low-energy results are also compared with the calculation of Oen, Holmes, and Robinson. In its simplest form, this calculation predicts range values that are significantly larger than the experimental results.

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