Separable-potential three-body model of theA=6system. II.Li6ground state

Separable-potential three-body (αnp) models of the Li6 ground state are examined. Different separable-potential fits to the αn phase shifts and the low-energy S13D13 two-nucleon parameters are reviewed, after which integral equations are derived for the spectator functions of the Li6 ground-state wave function assuming S12, P12, and P32 components in the αn interaction. These equations are solved to determine the Li6 binding energy and investigate its sensitivity to the D13 component of the two-nucleon interaction, its variation upon neglecting different components of the αn interaction, and its dependence on different analytical forms for the P-wave αn interactions. For two wave functions derived from the same set of αn interactions, but with the S13D13 two-nucleon interaction producing 0% and 4% d-wave components in the deuteron, respectively, the spectator functions are given and the contributions to the ground-state normalization of the various components are calculated. The latter two wave functions correspond to three-body Li6 binding energies of 4.446 MeV (0%) and 4.070 MeV (4%) compared with the Coulomb-adjusted experimental value of 4.53 MeV.