The Factorial Validity of the Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale for a Sample of Intermediate-Level EMR Students Enrolled in Elementary School

Several factor analytic studies have obtained encouraging but inconclusive evidence for the construct validity of the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. In this study scores on the Piers-Harris scale from a sample of elementary-school-age, educable mentally retarded subjects were factor analyzed. Partial support for the construct validity of the Piers-Harris scale was obtained by replicating Piers-Harris factors bearing on physical appearance and behavior. Some support was also found for Piers-Harris factors reflecting popularity, academic ability, and anxiety. The factor analytic results are compared with those from other studies. Suggestions for future research include more clearly defining emotionally toned factors, broadening the response structure of the Piers-Harris scale, considering maturational effects in attempting to replicate factors across age periods, and searching for a general self-concept factor.