Comparative study of some microbial arabinan-degrading enzymes

A variety of thermophilic organisms andBacillus species were screened in shake flask culture for arabanase andp-nitrophenyl-α-l-arabinosidase activities. Highest arabanase activity was produced by strains ofThielavia terrestris andSporotrichum cellulophilum. Thermoascus aurantiacus and severalBacillus species were most active producers of arabinosidase. Arabinosidases fromBacillus strains had pH optima in the range 5.9–6.7. pH optima of fungal arabinosidases ranged from ≤2.9 to 6.7.Bacillus arabanases had neutral pH optima, whereas fungal arabanases had pH optima in the range 3.7–5.1. In general, arabinosidases were found to be relatively thermostable, retaining >70% activity for 3 h at 60°C. TheT. aurantiacus enzyme retained 98% activity at 70°C after 3 h.Bacillus arabanases were relatively unstable. All fungal arabanases except theT. aurantiacus enzyme were fully denatured at 70°C after 3 h.