The Rydberg constant and proton size from atomic hydrogen

How big is the proton?: The discrepancy between the size of the proton extracted from the spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen and the value obtained by averaging previous results for “regular” hydrogen has puzzled physicists for the past 7 years. Now, Beyer et al. shed light on this puzzle (see the Perspective by Vassen). The authors obtained the size of the proton using very accurate spectroscopic measurements of regular hydrogen. Unexpectedly, this value was inconsistent with the average value of previous measurements of the same type. Also unexpectedly, it was consistent with the size extracted from the muonic hydrogen experiments. Resolving the puzzle must now include trying to understand how the old results relate to the new, as well as reexamining the sources of systematic errors in all experiments. Science , this issue p. 79 ; see also p. 39
Funding Information
  • European Research Council (award345701, 279765)
  • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (award345700)
  • Russian Science Foundation (award345702, 16-12-00096)