Superconductivity and magnetism in heavy-fermion UPd2(Al,Ga)3

We present bulk properties (resistivity, specific heat, and susceptibility) of the quasiternary system UPd2(Al1xGax) 3 and derive the superconducting and magnetic phase diagrams. For low Ga substitution (x<~0.25) a complete suppression of superconductivity is found, while the magnetic properties are hardly affected. For larger x the magnetic transition temperature TN gradually decreases, and the mass enhancement of the electrons increases, until at x=0.8–0.9 a crystallographic transition takes place from the PrNi2Al3 to the BaB2Pt3 lattice. At the structural transition TN discontinuously increases, while the electronic specific heat γ grows smoothly through the transition. We discuss the relationship between the alloying parameter x and the magnetic ordering and electronic hybridization, respectively. The strong suppression of the superconductivity in UPd2Al3 with Ga suggests an unconventional mechanism of superconductivity, most probably related to spin fluctuations mediating the pairing.