Critical Fluids in Porous Media

The behavior of fluids confined in porous materials has been of interest to engineers and scientists for many decades. Among the applications driving this research are the use of porous membranes to achieve liquid-liquid separations and to deionize water, the use of porous materials as beds for catalysis, and the need to extract liquids (especially oil and water) from such media. Many of these applications depend on transport, which is governed by flow or diffusion in the imbibed fluids. Both the flow and diffusion of multiphase fluids in porous media, however, strongly depend on the morphology of phase-separated domains, and on the kinetics of domain growth. Thus, it is worthwhile to study the behavior of multiphase fluids in porous media in the absence of flow. Recently, much attention has focused on even simpler systems that still capture these essential features, namely, near-critical binary liquid mixtures and vapor-liquid systems in model porous media, such as Vycor and dilute silica gels. Although near-critical fluids may seem rather artificial as models for multiphase liquids, there are several advantages associated with them. In general, domain morphology and growth kinetics are governed primarily by competition between interfacial tension and the preferential attraction of one phase to the surface of the medium. In near-critical fluids, the relative strength of these two energy scales is sensitive to temperature, and can therefore be altered in a controlled fashion. In addition, the kinetics of domain growth are sensitive to the temperature quench depth, and can be controlled.