Resonant Raman scattering and dynamics of theFA(Li+) modes in KCl

By means of the behavior-type method, the polarized resonant Raman intensities of the three FA(Li+) modes in KCl are analyzed, taking into account the optically induced reorientation of the defect. The FA (7 Li+) center is known to possess two high-frequency Raman-active vibrations, at 216 and at 266 cm1, which exhibit a regular Li+ isotope shift and a low-frequency resonance at 47 cm1, which shows a small and anomalous isotope effect. The investigation of their polarized Raman data necessitated an extension of the behavior-type method to the case of resonant scattering. In spite of reorientation effects the Raman scattering excited at the wavelengths of the FA1 or FA2 band is found to be dominated by the resonant contribution of the defects which can still absorb the incident light. From the analysis of the polarized Raman intensities of the 216-cm1 mode the defect is shown to have only a mirror-plane symmetry, which independently demonstrates the off-axis position of the Li+ ion in FA(Li+). This deviation from C4v[001] symmetry is not observed in the data for the 47- and the 266-cm1 modes, but within the C1h symmetry group all the modes belong to the representation A’, i.e., they are even under reflection. The polarized Raman study, together with the isotope shifts of the Raman modes and considerations of the normal modes of the defect, permits a more detailed description of the dynamics of the FA(Li+) center: The 266- and the 216-cm1 vibrations strongly involve the Li+-ion motion within the mirror plane, essentially parallel and perpendicular to the defect axis, respectively. The low-frequency mode at 47 cm1 is an activated band mode in which the Li+ ion hardly participates, similar to the 43-cm1 mode of the naked Li+ impurity.