In vitro Synthesis of Progesterone by Swine Corpora Lutea.

A method is described for investigation of in vitro synthesis of progesterone by swine luteal tissue Heating tissue for one half hour at 95°C inhibited in vitro production of hormone. Addition of pregnenolone and DPN to tissue medium increased progesterone synthesis. Average weight of luteal tissue/animal was 1.11 g at day 4 of estrous cycle, 5.49 at day 12 and 1.40 at day 18. Average weight of corpora lutea during gestation was relatively constant. During estrous cycle, concentration of progesterone in luteal tissue increased from 21 μg/g at day 4 to 74 μg/g by day 16. At day 18 no detectable hormone was present. An increase in hormone concentration was found after 2 hr incubation in Krebs Ringer bicarbonate buffer medium except with tissue from day 18; greatest increase was observed in tissue from day 4 of cycle. During gestation, initial progesterone concentrations in luteal tissue from animals at days 16, 24 and 48 were higher than those in non-pregnant animals. However, increase in progesterone concentration following incubation was less in corpora lutea from pregnant than from non-pregnant animals.