Differentiation of the four viruses of the sugarcane mosaic virus subgroup based on cytopathology

A cytological comparison has been made of representative isolates of johnsongrass mosaic (JGMV), maize dwarf mosaic (MDMV), sorghum mosaic (SrMV) and sugarcane mosaic (SCMV) viruses. These four viruses now encompass the complex of virus strains which were formerly considered as strains of sugarcane mosaic and/or maize dwarf mosaic viruses. The structure of the cytoplasmic cylindrical inclusions induced by these viruses, together with other cytological alterations, allow the four viruses to be distinguished. Pinwheels, scrolls and laminated aggregates were produced only by SCMV whereas JGMV, MDMV, and SrMV produced only pinwheels and scrolls. SrMV produced amorphous cytoplasmic inclusions which are not produced by JGMV and MDMV. The latter two were rather similar in cytological effects except that the SCMV-JG (U.S.A.) isolate of MDMV produced aggregates of needle-like structures in the cytoplasm which were not found with JGMV and the other MDMV isolates. The specific cytological effects induced by these viruses thus corroborate the recent classification of these viruses based mainly on the properties of the coat-protein gene, the 3′ non-coding nucleotide sequences, and host reactions.