Preventing HIV Transmission along the Trans-Africa Highway in Kenya: Using Persuasive Message Theory in Formative Education

Although HIV infection is now seen as pandemic in many parts of Africa, little is known about existing perceptions and knowledge regarding the disease or about the use of preventive measures among groups with the highest infection rates. Further, many call for theoretically-based formative evaluations and interventions, yet few appear to utilize theory to determine perceptions and knowledge and to evaluate existing campaigns. This project reports the results of a theoretically-based formative evaluation conducted with commercial sex workers, truck drivers and their assistants, and young men at three truck stops along the Trans-Africa Highway in Kenya. The theoretical basis for the project was the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM), a health risk message theory. Results indicate that the participants appear to have high levels of knowledge and threat, coupled with apparent low levels of efficacy. According to the theoretical perspective used, these results suggest that participants may be putting themselves at risk for HIV infection.