Uniparental isodisomy 6 associated with deficiency of the fourth component of complement.

We identified an extremely rare condition, isolated complete deficiency of the fourth component of complement, in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus. The genes for C4 are located within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the short arm of chromosome 6. The patient expressed only paternal phenotypes for proteins encoded by the MHC (HLA and GLO), yet was 46XX with no detectable 6p deletion. Genomic DNA from patient, parents, and sibling was digested with restriction enzymes, and blots were probed for five chromosome 6 markers. At all loci, maternal and paternal RFLPs could be distinguished, and the patient showed only paternal bands. RFLP analysis of markers from four other chromosomes showed maternal and paternal contribution. The data are consistent with uniparental isodisomy 6 (inheritance of two identical chromosome 6 haplotypes from the father and none from the mother). Direct analysis of genetic material from both parents, as well as detection of multiple protein polymorphisms encoded on chromosome 6, clearly demonstrates this novel mechanism for the expression of a recessive genetic condition.