Subtotal Parathyroidectomy in Azotemic Renal Osteodystrophy

THE results of treatment of azotemic renal osteodystrophy are disappointing.1 2 3 The possible efficacy of partial parathyroidectomy in selected cases was suggested by Dent, Harper and Philpot1 and first shown to be practical in a patient treated by Stanbury, Lumb and Nicholson.4 Encouraging results in another case have been reported in a brief communication by Findley et al.5 The case reported below represents the third of signal improvement after operation.Case ReportJ.H. (J.M.H. 27380), a 23-year-old man, was first seen at Jackson Memorial Hospital in February, 1960, because of extensive skeletal deformities, subnormal muscular development and chronic malaise. He had . . .