Analyses of a Mixture of Glucosyl-Cyclomaltoheptaoses Prepared on an Industrial Scale

A mixture of glucosyl-cyclomaltoheptaoses (β-cyclodextrins, βCDs) was prepared by glucoamylolysis of a mixture of maltosyl-βCDs which was produced on an industrial scale from maltose and β CD through the reverse action of Klebsiella pneumoniae pullulanase. Glucosyl-βCDs in the mixture were separated by HPLC on a reversed phase column and their molecular weights were measured by FAB-MS. In addition, the number of side-chains in each molecule was confirmed by methylation analysis and it was proved that the mixture comprised mainly of a monoglucosyl-βCD [G-β CD] and diglucosyl-β-CDs [(G)2-βCDs], and as a minor component triglucosyl-β CDs [(G)3-βCDs], and that G-, (G)2-, and (G)3-β CDs were produced in the ratios of 50%:45%:5%. The structures of three positional isomers of (G)2-β CD were established by HPLC analysis of partial hydrolyzates, 13C NMR spectroscopy, and chemical synthesis. Four regioisomeric (G)3-β CDs which could be isolated were characterized by 13C NMR spectroscopy.