By extending the Cabibbo theory to the radiative leptonic decay π+π0+l++νl+γ, we analyze the vector and axial-vector form factors which describe this decay. Assuming unsubtracted dispersion relations for these form factors at fixed momentum transfer as well as pole dominance, we obtain a number of sum rules relating the masses and couplings of the ω, ρ, A1, and A2 mesons. In addition, we obtain, using current algebra and the hypothesis of a partially conserved axial-vector current, a soft-pion theorem relating the vector form factors of the decay π+π0+l++νl+γ to the axial-vector form factor associated with π+l++νl+γ. For those sum rules that can be tested, excellent agreement is obtained with the experimental data. A similar analysis is made of the decay K+π0+l++νl+γ, and a corresponding set of sum rules is obtained relating the masses and couplings of the ω, K*, KV, and KA mesons.