Adler has shown that in perturbation theory for spinor electrodynamics, suitably regularized, the divergence of the unrenormalized axial-vector current contains, in addition to the expected mass term, a term of the form εαβγδFαβFγδ. Motivated by this result, we study here the renormalized axial-vector current jμ5. We explicitly construct the essentially unique finite local jμ5 and find it to be invariant under local gauge transformations. Taking the divergence μjμ5 gives the renormalized analog of Adler's additional term. Similar "noncanonical" operator terms are seen to occur in equal-time commutators involving jμ5. Although all matrix elements of μjμ5 are finite, we find that the off-shell Green's function Tμjμ5(x)ψ(y)ψ¯(z) is divergent and, correspondingly, that equal-time commutators involving jμ5 are in general singular. We show that Ward identities can nevertheless be given a meaning. The algebraic properties of jμ5 are seen to be reflected in the scattering amplitudes of the theory. Renormalized integral representations of axial-vector vertices are constructed, and radiative corrections to weak interaction are discussed. We conclude with a discussion of the axial-vector currents in other spinor models.