Isf0(975) a narrow resonance?

We use a new approach to study the ππ, KI=J=0 interaction from information on the central production and elastic processes with energies from the ππ threshold to 1.7 GeV. Our amplitude analysis separates the pole term for f0(975) from the background term, meanwhile enforcing unitarity. A second-sheet pole (988-23i MeV) and a third-sheet pole (797-185i MeV) are found for f0(975). We conclude that if the f0(975) is a Breit-Wigner resonance, it has a large decay width corresponding to its third-sheet pole, but shows up as a narrow structure in ππ and K K¯ invariant mass spectra due to its second-sheet pole. An alternative K-matrix analysis is also briefly reported, which gives a similar conclusion.

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