Yukawa unified supersymmetricSO(10)model: Cosmology, rare decays, and collider searches

It has recently been pointed out that viable sparticle mass spectra can be generated in Yukawa unified SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified models consistent with radiative breaking of electroweak symmetry. Model solutions are obtained only if tanβ50, μ<0 and positive D-term contributions to scalar masses from SO(10) gauge symmetry breaking are used. In this paper, we attempt to systematize the parameter space regions where solutions are obtained. We go on to calculate the relic density of neutralinos as a function of parameter space. No regions of the parameter space explored were actually cosmologically excluded, and very reasonable relic densities were found in much of parameter space. Direct neutralino detection rates could exceed 1 event/kg/day fora73Ge detector, for low values of GUT scale gaugino mass m1/2. We also calculate the branching fraction for bsγ decays, and find that it is beyond the 95% C.L. experimental limits in much, but not all, of the parameter space regions explored. For the Fermilab Tevatron collider, significant regions of parameter space can be explored via bb¯A and bb¯H searches. There also exist some limited regions of parameter space where a trilepton signal can be seen at TeV33. Finally, there exist significant regions of parameter space where direct detection of bottom squark pair production can be made, especially for large negative values of the GUT parameter A0.