An equation for a "perfect osmometer" was derived, defining relations among vols. of extracellular and intracellular fluid, loads of certain solutes substantially confined to the extracellular space and loads of water. A family of curves defined by this equation was indicated graphically. Osmometric changes in extracellular vol. following loads of water and salt were shown by sample computations from data in the literature. The equation is [image] where Ve is the initial extracellular fluid vol. in liters, Ve is the final extracellular fluid vol. in 1., W is the initial total body water vol. in 1., A is the initial concn. in extracellular and in intracellular compartments in osmols/1., L is the load of solute in extracellular compartments in osmols, and LH2O is the load of water in 1.

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