Congenital Heart Disease and Neuroblastoma

RECENTLY several reports have appeared linking neuroblastomas (or more highly differentiated neural crest tumors) with congenital heart disease.1-3 The following case is reported to add an additional instance of associated congenital heart disease and in situ neuroblastoma to the literature, and to focus further attention on this unusual relationship. Report of Case A male infant weighing 3.95 kg (8 lb 11 oz) was born at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Los Angeles on Feb 14, 1964, to a 25-year-old mother following a full-term, uneventful pregnancy. The initial Apgar rating was 8, and no abnormalities were noted upon routine pediatric examination. The nursery stay was unremarkable and the infant was discharged with the mother after three days. There were two older normal siblings, and no history of congenital heart disease in the family. The infant was seen at 4 weeks of age, weighing 4.1 kg (9 lb) and no abnormalities