Mutational activation of RAS and GSP oncogenes in differentiated thyroid cancer and their biological implications

Activating mutations of ras-genes (Kirsten-ras, Harvey-ras, N-ras) and genes encoding for the alpha subunit of G-proteins (Gs, Gi2, Gi3, Go, Gz) were assessed in 32 differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) tissues from German (n=22) and American (n=10) patients. Gs-protein (GSP) and/or ras mutations were found in 69% of all tissues with a heterogeneous distribution pattern. An increased prevalence could be demonstrated in metastatic (8 of 9 mutation positive) when compared to localized disease (13 of 23 mutation positive) (p50 years of age (16 of 18 mutation positive), when compared to younger patients (6 of 14 mutation positive) (pppppppp<0.001). Hemos demostrado una alta frecuencia de mutaciones RAS y GSP en los CDT, lo cual sugiere que el estudio de tales mutaciones puede contribuir al conocimiento básico de esta enfermedad y puede iniciar una nueva búsqueda de enfoques terapéuticos más racionales e individualizados en pacientes con CDT.