Spectral oscillations are observed in the photoresponse of a gold—indium-antimonide Schottky barrier in magnetic fields of up to 3 Tesla. The photovoltaic spectra are taken at 6 K in the Faraday configuration with → parallel to [111]. Both exciton and Landau spectral structures are observed and separately analyzed: the Landau levels in terms of the Pidgeon and Brown coupled-bands theory and the exciton states in terms of the adiabatic theory recently proposed by Altarelli and Lipari. In both analyses, the parameters of Pidgeon and Brown for InSb are found to give the best fit to the magneto-optical data. The behavior in the magnetic field of a structure arising from transitions between an acceptor state at 2.8 meV above the valence band to the conduction band is also observed and analyzed.