Uptake of13N-ammonia by human tumours as studied by positron emission tomography

Tumour uptake of 13N-labelled ammonia was studied by means of positron emission computerised axial tomography in 46 patients with various extensive neoplastic conditions. Eleven of the patients have been followed sequentially before, during and after radio- and/or chemotherapeutic treatment. Substantial accumulation of 13NH3 (up to five times the amount found in comparable normal tissues) was noted in some cases of breast cancer and their metastases, as well as in soft tissue sarcomas, in malignant neck nodes secondary to head and neck tumours, in lung tumours and their metastases, in melanomas, in malignant lymphomas, in metastasis prostatic carcinoma and in the case of ovarian carcinoma examined. Little or no extra uptake of 13NH3 was found ion necrotic or non-malignant tumours or in primary brain tumours, or in some primary breast cancer which otherwise appeared well vascularized and actively growing. In those patients who were followed sequentially, 13NH3 uptake could be seen to decrease with tumour regression. However, during the course of a radiotherapeutic treatment a transitory increase of 13NH3 uptake could be observed. If the therapy had not been successful, 13NH3 uptake was found to persist after treatment. Uptake of 13NH3 in tumours is to be regarded as the result of a complex interaction of both circulatory and metabolic influences. Studies using more specific tracers of flow and tissue metabolism will probably help to unravel the contributory physiological components.