Embryo-suspensor relations in Phaseolus coccineus: cytokinins during seed development

Data are presented on the cytokinin status of seeds and seed components, at different stages of development in Phaseolus coccineus L., as determined with the soybean callus growth bioassay: A change in cytokinin types according to developmental stage occurred: from biologically very active less polar types (zeatin=Z) at early stages to more polar types (zeatin glucoside=Z9G and zeatin riboside=Zr), with relatively low biological activity, at intermediate and late stages of seed development: When cytokinins were analyzed separately in embryos (embryo proper) and suspensors at two embryonic stages: heart-shaped (A) and middle cotyledonary embryos (stage B) respectively, it was found that: i) at stage A, the suspensor showed cytokinin activity at the level of Z, 2iPA (2-isopentenyladenosine) and Zr, whereas more polar cytokinins (Z9G, Zr) were present in the embryo; ii) at stage B, when the embryo seems to become autonomous for cytokinin supply, there was a relative abundance of active cytokinins (Z, 2iPA) in the embryo to which Z9G activity in the suspensor corresponded. It is concluded that the suspensor plays an essential role in embryogenesis by acting as a hormone source to the early embryo.