Pathways of glucose metabolism in ox retina

The specific activity of CO2 produced during incubation of ox retina with labelled glucose in media buffered with either phosphate or with bicarbonate was lower, whereas that of the lactic acid was higher, than that to be expected from the activity of the glucose. The ratio of C14O2 produced from [1-C14]-glucose to that from [6-C14]glucose was near unity whether the incuba-tion medium was buffered by phosphate or by bicarbonate, but the specific activity of the lactic acid produced from [1-C14]-glucose was less than that produced from [6-C14]-glucose, the ratio in both media being approximately 0.75. It is concluded that the activity of the lactic acid gave more reliable evidence about the pathway of glucose metabolism than did that of the CO2 and that one glucose molecule in 4 was metab-olized by the hexose monophosphate shunt pathway.