Inelastic neutron scattering in amorphous Fe0.78P0.22 and crystalline Fe3P systems

Pulsed inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been performed on amorphous a-Fe0.78 P0.22 and its crystalline counterpart, c-Fe3P. Measurements of the generalized distribution function G(Q,E) for Q=5–9 Å1 were employed to determine G(E), the neutron-weighted density of states. The a-Fe0.78 P0.22 results indicate a low-energy Fe-Fe derived band and a distinct high-energy Fe-P, opticlike band. This contrasts with amorphous metal-metal alloys which exhibit a single low-frequency peak in the phonon spectrum. A comparison with theoretical calculations of the neutron-weighted partial densities of states indicates very good qualitative agreement in band shape and relative intensities. Differences in the peak positions are attributed to weaker Fe-Fe and Fe-P interactions. The results are consistent with similar short-range order in a-Fe0.78 P0.22 and c-Fe3P. Similarities between the low-energy experimental a-Fe0.78 P0.22 and theoretical a-Fe spectra are also noted.