Theory of Zeeman Anisotropy Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Numerical Fit of Low-J Transitions in KCl:Sm2+

The theory of Zeeman anisotropy fluorescence spectroscopy of rare earth ions in single crystals has been formulated in terms of tensor operators. Numerical calculations are presented for the fit of the experimental ZAF observations for the D05 →7F0, 7F1, and 7F2 fluorescent transitions in KCl:Sm2+. Excellent agreement between theory and experiment has been obtained for the 7F0 and 7F1 levels using the nearest-neighbor C2v (1, 1, 0) Sm2+—K+ vacancy pair model. The poor fit for the 7F2 level in terms of the C2v model supports the finding of Heist, Chilver, and Fong that the 7282.8–Å line, one of the four prominent lines observed in the D05 →7F2 wavelength region, does not originate from the C2v (1, 1, 0) site.