The Radioactivity of Solids Determined by Alpha-Ray Counting
- 15 September 1935
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review B
- Vol. 48 (6) , 503-511
The complete theory of alpha-ray counting for thin and thick radioactive sources is developed. Tables of the numerical constants required for the interpretation of practical measurements are given. Apparatus and experimental verification of the theory are described. Several new methods for determining the thorium content of geological samples are described. Analyses of a suite of igneous rocks show Th contents between 3.9 and 16.5×g Th per g, with an average Th/U ratio of 7. Therefore thorium is more important in age and geothermal problems than uranium.
This publication has 13 references indexed in Scilit:
- Apparatus for the Determination of Minute Quantities of Radium, Radon and Thoron in Solids, Liquids and GasesReview of Scientific Instruments, 1935
- A quantitative study of pleochroic haloes. —IProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, 1934
- The Nature of Statistical Fluctuations with Applications to Cosmic RaysPhysical Review B, 1934
- The Measurement of Natural Alpha-Particles Ejected from SolidsPhysical Review B, 1934
- An Application of Probabilities to the Counting of Alpha-ParticlesPhysical Review B, 1933
- Eine Neubestimmung der Halbwertszeit des ThoriumsThe European Physical Journal A, 1933
- Radioactive Contamination of Ionization Chamber MaterialsReview of Scientific Instruments, 1933
- On the Origin of the Actinium Series of Radioactive ElementsPhysical Review B, 1932
- A New Determination of the Disintegration Constant of Uranium by the Method of Counting-ParticlesPhysical Review B, 1932
- The decrease in velocity of α particles from radium CProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, 1927