Growth and serial passage of Pneumocystis carinii in the A549 cell line

Pneumocystis carinii obtained from infected rats and patients was cultured in the A549 cell line, a presumptive alveolar type 2 cell line derived from a human lung carcinoma. Standard criteria were established for organism sampling, quantitation, and growth. The trophozoite form of P. carinii was a more sensitive indicator of growth than was the cyst. Rat P. carinii increased 10-fold in primary culture and could be serially passed three additional times to new cultures; success in growing human P. carinii was limited and appeared to be related to the quality of the specimen received for culture. Growth pattern experiments suggested that close interaction of P. carinii with the cell monolayer is an important step in the life cycle of the organism. Thus, the A549 culture system should be useful for in vitro studies of the immunobiology of P. carinii.