Coulomb excitation ofLi8

We have observed the excitation of the first excited state (Ex=0.98 MeV, Jπ=1+) of the radioactive, neutron-rich nucleus Li8 (Jg.s.π=2+) from its inelastic scattering on Ninat at E(8Li)≃14.6 MeV. Cross sections measured out to large θc.m. agree well with Coulomb-excitation probabilities and have been used to deduce an E2↑ transition rate for the 2g.s.+1+ excitation in Li*8. The latter [B(E2↑)=55±15 e2 fm4] is large relative to nearby stable nuclei, but comparable to the neighboring neutron-rich nucleus Be10. The relevance of the data to predicted ‘‘neutron-halo’’ giant dipole resonances in unstable nuclear projectiles is considered.