Neutron yields from 435 MeV/nucleon Nb stopping in Nb and 272 MeV/nucleon Nb stopping in Nb and Al

Neutron fluences were measured from 435 MeV/nucleon Nb ions stopping in a Nb target and 272 MeV/nucleon Nb ions stopping in targets of Nb and Al for neutrons above 20 MeV and at laboratory angles between 3° and 80°. The resultant spectra were integrated over angles to produce neutron energy distributions and over energy to produce neutron angular distributions. The total neutron yields for each system were obtained by integrating over the angular distributions. The angular distributions from all three systems are peaked forward, and the energy distributions from all three systems show an appreciable yield of neutrons with velocities greater than the beam velocity. Comparison of the total neutron yields from the two Nb+Nb systems suggests that the average neutron multiplicity decreases with decreasing projectile energy. Comparison of the total yields from the two 272 MeV/nucleon systems suggests that the total yields show the same dependence on projectile and target mass number as do total inclusive neutron cross sections. The data are compared with Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model calculations.