The wave function at the origin is an important factor in the leptonic decay rate of (QQ¯) states, since the rate is proportional to the square of its value. However, relativistic wave functions for the color-Coulomb potential diverge at the origin. In this paper, we consider the QED version of this problem: the O(α) corrections to the decay &→e+ e. After renormalization, the divergence of the wave function at the origin is shown to cancel via the one-photon annihilation graph. With all two-loop diagrams included, the decay rate of the nS state is 1/n3 that of the 1S state. This simple result is modified at the three-loop level by electron vacuum-polarization (VP) effects, which are numerically large. With these VP effects included, the decay rate of the 1 S13 state is predicted to be 5.571×1011 sec1.