An improvement in cognitive function following polypharmacy reduction in a group of epileptic patients

– 18 epileptic patients on polypharmacy were assessed, using a battery of psychometric tests including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Benton Visual Retention Test and Alertness and Concentration tests. The same patients were reassessed one year later following a trial to reduce their polypharmacy. The results for 12 patients whose treatment was reduced to monotherapy were statistically analysed, using the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test. Significant changes were found on a number of test scores which included Full Scale WAIS I.Q., W.A.I.S. Performance I.Q., Digit Symbol, Block Design and Object Assembly, Benton Visual Retention Test Error Score and Concentration Test Score. The other tests showed no improvement over baseline. The results point to the improvement in some areas of cognitive function which follows a reduction in polypharmacy to monotherapy.