Establishment of B‐lymphoblastoid cell lines from Marek's disease virus‐induced tumors in turkeys

Four lymphoblastoid cell lines were established from tumors of turkeys inoculated with high doses of the GA strain of Marek's disease virus (MDV). Unlike other MD lymphoblastoid cell lines of chicken origin, these MDV transformed turkey lines appear to be B lymphocytes and produce immunoglobulin. Growth characteristics of these cell lines are slightly different; however, they all produce low levels of MDV‐specific antigen and carry the complete genome of the virus as determined by virus rescue in the chicken or in duck embryo fibroblast cultures. These cell lines are pathogenic for chickens and produce virus‐induced MD lesions. All four lines are free of the herpesvirus of turkeys, reticuloendotheliosis virus, and three lines are also free of avian leukosis virus. They all have typical normal turkey chromosomes and are positive for Marek's disease tumor‐associated surface antigen.