Noise measurements in axon membranes

A fluctuation (noise) component, which arises from spontaneous microscopic conductance perturbations, about the mean conduction characteristic of small areas of axon membrane has been measured and appears to relate to voltage-dependent potassium-ion movements. Since the kinetics of relaxing membrane structures which produce ion permeation noise may be deduced from the form of power density spectra of fluctuations, a comparison of measured and theoretical noise spectra may lead to direct tests of conduction models.—Fishman, H. M. Noise measurements in axon membranes. Federation Proc. 34: 1330–1337, 1975. Keywords Noise Spectrum Power Density Spectrum Corner Frequency Current Noise Axon Membrane These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.