Summary. This brief practical aid to course or curriculum development cannot replace educational qualifications or experience, but it does examine ten basic questions, any of which may be all too easily neglected. These are: (1) What arc the needs in relation to the product of the training programme? (2) What are the aims and objectives? (3) What content should be included? (4) How should the content be organized? (5) What educational strategies should be adopted? (6) What teaching methods should be used? (7) How should assessment be carried out’ (8) How should details of the curriculum be communicated? (9) What educational environment or climate should be fostered? (10) How should the process be managed? Each aspen is illustrated through the analogy of car manufacturing. The ten questions are relevant in all situations where a course or curriculum is being planned, including an undergraduate degree course, a short postgraduate course or a 1-hour lecture.