Summary: The application of regression theory to the construction of calibration curves for the estimation of water content from an observed radiation count is possible only when the relationship between count and water content is linear, a homogeneous error applies to the dependent variate, count, whatever its value, and the independent variate, water content, is determined free of error. Determination of the errors of estimation is further complicated by the necessity to fit the regression of count, as the dependent variate, on water content and then to invert the equation in order to estimate moisture content from count. It is shown that these requirements can be fulfilled by an initial transformation of the data and by repeated sub‐sampling for the determination of water content. A method is given for calculating errors of estimation.Experimentally, it was found that a transformation (logarithmic) was necessary when calibrating a beta‐gauge for leaf moisture measurement. When calibrating a neutron probe for soil‐moisture measurement no transformation was required, but it was necessary to take repeated sub‐samples for water content determinations.