During July 1975 collections of parasites of marine fishes were made on fishing grounds off the eastern seaboard of Canada. 134 fish of 37 species yielded 29 species of digeneans. Host and locality data are given for all species and descriptions presented of Helicometra insolita, Stenakron sp. innom., Caudotestis nicolli. Anisorchis opisthorchis and Neophasis pusilla. Ten species new to the region are reported: they are Plagioporus idoneus, Helicometra plovmornini, H. insolita, C. nicolli, A. opisthorchis, Neophasis oculatus, Diphterostomum microacetabulum, Deretrema pycnorganum, Progonus muelleri and Gonocerca phycidis.