Meanings of Menopause to Korean Immigrant Women

The meanings of menopause among a vulnerable group of women—low-income Korean immigrant women—were explored using a cross-sectional descriptive research design focusing on how these meanings were constructed with their daily life experiences. Twenty-one peri- or post-menopausal women were recruited using convenience sampling methods; 2-hour in-depth interviews were conducted with audiotaping and field notes, and the data were analyzed using the-matic analysis, including line-by-line coding and categorization. Several themes related to the meanings of menopause emerged. The shock of menarche, various definitions of menopause, the negative view on middle age as falling down the hill, and other transitions the women were experiencing shaped the nature of their responses to menopause. The women were ambivalent about their menopausal transition, welcoming and fearing it. The authors propose that nurses initiate a dialogue about menopause with diverse populations to support the normalization of their menopausal transition and empower them to use culturally appropriate resources.