Note on solar radiation in mountain regions at high altitude

The following article gives a short survey over recent measurements of solar radiation at mountain stations of high altitude (h > 3000 m), namely from Silver Hut Glacier 1961, during the Mount Everest expedition led by Sir Edmund Hillary, and from the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, organized by the U.S. Weather Bureau in collaboration with the U.S. Army. The measurements are compared with previous measurements of C. G. Abbot on Mount Whitney in the years 1908–1910, of A. K. Ångström and E. H. Kennard on the same place in 1913, and also of Knut Ångström on Pico del Teide in 1896. The close agreement of the various results is due to the fact that the influence of variations of the composition of the atmosphere, evidently under ordinary conditions, plays a subordinate part at the altitudes and latitudes here concerned, where the influence of astronomical factors, solar height and distance between sun and earth are dominating. This may be true as long as disturbances of cosmical origin or through volcanic outbreaks do not cause occasional deviations from the ordinary trend. DOI: 10.1111/j.2153-3490.1966.tb00300.x

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